Monday, April 04, 2005

garden season

I just got my new seed catalogs in the mail today, and I couldn't be happier! I pore over those things like a teenage boy with a Victoria's Secret catalog. There's one from Burpee, of course, and another from Henry Field's. I've been getting them so long, seeing them in the mailbox is like receiving a letter from an old friend.

I've been gardening since I could walk; my mother and grandmother had me 'help' them put out new seedlings as soon as I could toddle down the garden path. There's nothing better than the colors, textures, and scents of a good garden; it's tonic for the senses and balm for the soul.

The only hard part is deciding what I can order this year; I want everything in the catalog - from dahlias to runner beans.

Happily, my new landladies are thrilled with the idea of me putting in a garden here this season. This summer, when we all have cookouts and friends over for backyard picnics, it will be that much richer with the sights and scents of my little garden as the perfect backdrop.

Until then, I'm perfectly content to go through the catalogs, marking old standbys and circling promising new hybrids, dreaming up the perfect garden for my new home.


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